Sunday, January 28, 2007

Reflection Study

Well it's been a little while but here is my most recent small oil study. It's 8 X 10 in oil on prepared panel. This wasn't a silver object but rather pewter which made painting the reflections a little bit different. The object was sitting on a butcher block table which at first I thought I might not paint but as the painting developed I chose to include. Thank you for looking!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Little Charmer

This past week's work sent me back to portraits for a portrait of this darling little girl. Her personality and charm made this commission a joy. This is a pastel, 24 X 30 on prepared panel. I hope the client is pleased as she is as lovely as her daughter. Gee, I hope she doesn't see this (safe bet) since I don't want to spoil the surprise.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

A Slice of Yesterday

Okay, well it isn't the flip side of "Yesterday" but it's a slice of it figuratively speaking. It's also yesteday's painting. My kids couldn't believe we were so primitive as to play records. Personally, I miss those days. Sigh...

This little painting is a small personal reflection on years gone by and a walk down memory lane (as opposed to "Penny Lane" which is on the flip side). Going through my old 45's brought back so many musical memories. I don't have many of the Beatles 45's on the old Apple label but of the few this was one of my favorites. Anyone who owns any 45's on this label will recall the apple on the flip side shows the inside of the apple which is why I sliced mine this way for the both sides are represented in some way. For the 2 people who read this blog you might want to know this is an oil on prepared board and measures 12 X 12. It may scratch, it may never be played again if I ever damage the needle on my old turntable and can't get a replacement, but the painting will remind me and I can download the MP3. But it won't be the same as it was yesterday.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Don't Cry

This small but shiny pewter cup topped off the week. It measures 6 X 4 and was done in oil on prepared panel. I think the cup was a gift when my son was born and I recently discovered it in a drawer...a shame since I could have painted it many times over the past 11 years. Though it might have been painted alone, the spilled milk hopefully adds a bit of interest to the composition. Even if that isn't true it reminds me of my childhood during which my sister spilled her milk at the dinner table so many times it became a family joke about which we still tease. To this day, when anyone spills milk at dinner we call them by her name with a wink...especially if she happens to be a guest.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Personal Trainer

The first painting of the New Year and while I set out only to paint a couple of pears reflecting on a silver vase I ended up getting a laugh out of the result. Surely it's my own guilt speaking to me and urging me to get on my standard resolution of a new year to exercise and eat well so what came to mind when I viewed the final painting were these things:
1. I identify with pear shapes.
2. "Big butt."
3. "Get off your butt and DO something!"
The pear on the table looks like I feel. I think I need a personal trainer and therefore the title.
I guess that's more information than you might have wanted and I hope you still enjoy the painting. Perhaps it will motivate you. I am going to go have a midnight snack.

This is an oil painting measuring 8 X 10 on prepared panel.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

WELCOME 2007! Another year has passed. I wish I had something eloquent or clever to post here. Nope. I wish you and your family good health and happiness for 2007. And always remember...
"The future will be better tomorrow." Dan Quayle