
Friday, May 11, 2007

My Middle Name

Well this is my final painting for my gallery show tomorrow. It will be hanging at child-hand level and is still a little bit tacky. Yikes! I really am a Starbuck's addict even though I drink decaf and "Starbuck's" really should be my middle name. This is on a deep cradled hardboard and was done in oil. It measures 12" X 12". I'm looking forward to seeing some friends tomorrow and hopefully making some new ones too!


  1. Lisa Starbuck DOES have a nice ring to it. *haha* once again you've taken something mundane and elevated it to art with your amazing ability. Bravo!

  2. Ah yes, it has a nice ring for sure! I am thrilled with your comment, Billie. You made me smile from ear to ear.
    Thanks again,
    Lisa Starbuck's Ober

  3. That looks like my cup. Though I won't change my middle name for it. I love it when artists place objects that they relish on a pedestal so to speak. A treat it is.

  4. oh, lisa. my venti decaf, 4 pumps sugar free vanilla, 3 splenda, inch and a half nonfat milk coffee drinker, you (i really hope i got that right...haha).
    your artwork is wonderful and i'm sad it took me so long to actually take a look.
    this is kylie, by the way.
    hope to see you soon!

  5. Kylie! LOL! So happy you came by to take a look. You are the BEST Starbuck's employee on the planet! Thank you for all the many venti decaf, 4 pumps sugar free vanilla, 3 splenda, inch and a half of nonfat milk coffees. You make every day worth greeting. See you tomorrow!

    Love, Lisa
